Saturday, 19 October 2024

Time Management Woes

There have been moments in the past few years where I've been meaning to come back to my blog or YouTube channel. The problem is not that I'm short on ideas; it's just that time management has never been my strength. Anything that is low on my list of priorities seems to get stuck in this kind of perpetual 'to do list' limbo. I would also like to return to soldering at some point too. I've tried to resolve this problem by making little steps in the background, in between doing what I call the BID (boring, important and difficult) tasks that need my attention. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, I simply don't persevere with it. Once my mind is occupied with something, I appear to have a very difficult time hitting the 'pause' button and starting on something else, and when I can, it's difficult for me to hit the 'resume' button later. This is especially true if I come across something online that upsets me, which is another reason I tend to stay off social media now (that's right; there are only original opinions here). 

I think if I do post again on a regular or frequent basis, it will be because I take the stance that perfection is the enemy of good, and perhaps I stop worrying too much about writing something wrong or in an unclear way. I can always back to it later. There's a lot I'd like to write about, topics that interest me and maybe a few other people in the world. I have a lot of issues with the current SI unit system for example. I might also dive into fun topics such as 'do centrifugal forces real?' and issues relating to rocketry. 

Will any of this happen? I suppose time will tell.